If you decide to move on from the Arduino, this is the next logical step – AVR Programming. In these two videos I hope that I can get you started in developing single chip solutions for the AVR ATmega328. At the end of the page I give you a video link to the setup that I use for my Arduino on a Breadboard video – this should be very similar to the type of setup that you need for a standalone AVR solution.
AVR Programming – AVR Dragon Introduction
This tutorial introduces the AVR Dragon. It is a device that allows us to program and debug AVR ATmega Microcontrollers. I show how to setup and use the AVR Dragon, soldering a 40 pin ZIF socket to the board and show how to connect it to AVR Studio 5 beta 2. I write a sample application and program it on an ATmega328.
[youtube id=”yJo29VMXt90″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
Good documentation at:
AVR Programming – AVR Studio Tutorial Introduction
In this video I demonstrate how to write a small application using AVR Studio 4 and avr-gcc. It is an introduction for those new to the AVR platform. I am using the AVR Dragon as my program/debug tool and this tutorial demonstrates how to upload and debug code using this device.
[youtube id=”plJf0r7IcWc” width=”600″ height=”350″]
Arduino on a Breadboard (Relevant to AVR Programming)
This tutorial shows you how to build an Arduino on a breadboard. It describes the use of 16MHz and 20Mhz crystals for driving the Arduino and compares their use to the use of a resonator. A simple circuit is created that blinks an LED for 1000ms and 100ms. The Arduino is programmed on the breadboard using an Arduino shield’s Reset, TX and RX pins.
[youtube id=”_m9aciePKEk” width=”600″ height=”350″]